Welcome to Avior Dev

Experts in software development

Consulting & Analytics

Our certified AWS solutions architects can audit your IT solutions and infrastructure. We help you to find the most suitable solution for your needs.

Engineering & Coding

We provide well experienced solutions architects, developers and database engineers that provide quality code with respect to deadlines.

Migration & Optimization

We investigate the possibility of migrating your current apps or servers to the cloud, limiting the upfront costs you have when managing your on-premise infrastructure.


About us

Software development is not a job - it is our lifestyle

As a modern application development company, Avior Dev helps businesses from different domains leverage various tools and technologies to create perfect software ecosystems.

People choose us because we are:

  • Technology & industry experts
  • Certified & experienced
  • Responsible & reliable

And we do:

  • Follow best practices & patterns
  • Respect contracts & deadlines
  • Listen to our customers' needs

Years in IT




Hours of coding


Lines of code

Try our free consultation now.

If you have any IT-related question and you are not sure who can help you. Just contact us - we will consult you for free.

How we work

Discover our workflow


Analytics & Research

We analyze your business needs and propose the best solution.


Design & Development

We design the architecture, UI and data structures. Then we codify it.


Deployment & Support

We launch your product and stay in touch for support and extensions.

Our porfolio

We have done a lot. Please check some of our works.



Cloud aircraft maintenance platform

Children activities

Cloud booking platform

Sew me a doll

Handicrafts blog

Our expertise

We are experienced in diverse technologies and stacks. Check some from here.

Cloud Solutions

AWS / Serverless / Cloud Migration

Backend Development

C# / .Net / Java / Go / Python

Frontend Development

Angular / React / Vue / HTML / CSS / JS


SQL / Oracle / NoSQL / Graph / Files

Mobile Development

IOS / Android / React / Flutter

API Integration

REST / SOAP / B2B / B2C / B2G

Contact us

Get in touch

Contact info

We are trying to expand our geography. Please choose a location that suits you.